Monthly Archives: August 2010

i spy with my little eye…

…a pile of the prettiest polaroids

…the best advice i’ve heard in a long time

…the happiest ice-cream cones in the world

…this gorgeous place, i’m not sure where it is, but i wish i was there

…the coolest kid with the coolest glasses

(images via weheartit)

summer in a cup

this drink has been my addiction over the summer.  the lemon frappuccino from starbucks.  i much prefer independent coffee places but due to their being a lack of good ones around here, sometimes i have to go to starbucks.  this drink is amazing. from what i can gather it’s a lemon syrup, blended with ice and green tea. so yum.  i think it might be a limted edition summer thing, but the starbucks guy told me it’s been popular so they might keep it on……here’s hoping!

music i heart ~ broken bells

broken bells is the collaboration of danger mouse from gnarls barkley and james mercer of the shins.  i’ve been a shins fan for quite a few years now and i knew anything that involved james mercer was bound to be good, and it is.  i apologise this is another david letterman clip but i couldn’t get the video i wanted. never mind, this will give you a taster of their sound. hope you enjoy it.

happiness is a cupcake

today i went back to the cupcake cafe with the mama for lunch and a sweet something.  here are the yummy cupcakes we had today…

…my mama had this toffee crumble cupcake

…i had this amazing totally toffee cupcake

…washed down with a pot of rooibos tea.

cheapo day at the fringe

on monday the mister and i decided to head into edinburgh again and have a day checking out the free entertainment at the fringe festival, eat cheap street food and park and ride the bus into the city.  we caught a couple of street performers, one a juggler who was nothing special, the other a dorky, comedy magician who was pretty funny.  lunch was huge slices of pizza, mine mushroom, the mister’s margherita. after lunch we saw our first free show…

the edinburgh revue are basically students from edinburgh university who do stand up.  in the line up were 3 guys and a girl.  the guys were pretty hilarious, the girl was a bit try-hard and not so funny.  all in all, a really good free show.  our second free show was…

the set up on this one is one kiwi guy, one aussie guy and they do an hour show.  they alternate where one does 20 minutes and the other 40, and vice versa.  we saw the kiwi do 20 minutes, the aussie do 40.  the kiwi guy was pretty cute and funny and basically anybody with a kiwi accent can make me laugh – i guess that’s why i laugh so much at ‘eagle vs. shark’ and ‘flight of the concords’.  everything they say cracks me up.  the aussie was actually really funny but in a shocking way.  he joked about homophobia, british journalism, religion and whatnot, sometimes i felt a bit awkward when his jokes got a little bit of a ‘i can’t believe he just said that’ reaction from the audience, but on the whole a really great free show.  when we had a little time i also got to visit one of my favourite places in edinburgh…

there really is no better way for me to spend my time than a good rummage  in a thrift shop for vintage treasures.  sadly, due to a lack of money and a mister who  doesn’t really like to spend any length of time in vintage shops, i didn’t buy anything.  we had a really great day and including our parking and bus into the city and pizza we spent a total of about £11! not bad hey?

i heart cupcakes

a new cupcake cafe opened up near my house last month and i finally got around to going there today with the mister and the mama.  i ♥ cupcakes and though it wasn’t a good as some cupcake places in america, it was pretty yum. here’s what we had…

…my mister, being a chocoholic, had a double chocolate cupcake

…my mama had a lemon drizzle cupcake with white chocolate genache frosting

…i had a vanilla sparkle fairy cupcake with vanilla frosting.  too bad you can’t see all the sparkles in this photo, it was so pretty.

i also had a delicious pot of honey rooibos tea, and we brought a box of cupcakes home with us for later.  i will definitely be going back there again soon. 

i heart elvis

i ♥ elvis and i’m remembering him today.  it has been 33 years since he passed away.  i am a huge fan, i even visited graceland in memphis with my friends emily and april.  i love this photo of him with little lisa marie.  while the media portrays the pill-popping, bloated, cheeseburger guzzling side of elvis, this photo shows a side we tend to forget about.  he was a daddy.  he was a normal guy who became a legend.

i spy with my little eye…

…pretty chinese lanterns

…this amazing bathroom, i would read in that bath

…this pretty uh-mazing native american feather headpiece

…these japanese origami peace cranes on the windowsill

…this pretty peace sign made from daisies, john lennon would heart this.

i heart sunglasses

for some ladies it’s shoes, others bags or jewellery, that little thing that we can’t walk by in the shops, that our boys tells us we have too much of, that you can never have too many of, that make us feel instantly better…we all have our ‘thing’.  for me, it’s sunglasses.  i have had a bit of a thing for sunglasses since i was little.  i used to playdress up and along with my mama’s heels, i always wanted to wear her sunglasses.  there is a photo of me kicking about taken when i was about 4 and i had my own pair of yellow rimmed sunglasses and they were pretty jackie o.  my problem is that i have a squint eyebrow.  one eyebrow sits higher than the other and finding sunglasses that didn’t highlight this used to be an issue.  let me tell you, i am eternally grateful to jackie o, nicole richie, victoria beckham, rachel zoe, mary-kate olsen and all the other women who made oversized sunglasses cool again.  now i can find sunglasses easily that cover the rogue brow :)  i am a tad obsessed.  i’ve bought 5 pairs of sunglasses this year already and have another vintage pair on the way that i bought online, and in my trip to vegas last year i bought 4 pairs in 1 visit to urban outfitters.  my mister goes crazy.  he just doesn’t understand.  i tell him they will last forever and i’ll pass them on to my kids as heirlooms!  most of the ones i buy are just cheap high street ones, i only have one designer pair (above) that my mister gave me last christmas – a re-issue of dior 1970s sunglasses that are my favourite pair.  i was bored earlier today and decided to take photos of my collection.  some aren’t included because they wouldn’t sit right or they were in the car but here they are in all their glory.

 the photos don’t actually do justice to the colours of some of them, sorry about that.

vintage treasures

it’s no secret that i love the late 60’s/early 70’s. everything about that time – the music, the clothes, the jewellery, the free-spirit attitude of the hippies inspires me today.  one of my favourite things to do is visit vintage stores and try to find amazing pieces from that era.  this is one of the treasures i have found recently…a  1970s brown leather clutch that i absolutely adore.